Dear all
Here is a new problem that all of us can we fix and after some time we forget how to do this again so i would like to share it with all of you
which is how to increase or decrease the JQuery date picker dialog size thorough JQuery CSS class or our CSS class by the code below as it is
In our class
Here is a new problem that all of us can we fix and after some time we forget how to do this again so i would like to share it with all of you
which is how to increase or decrease the JQuery date picker dialog size thorough JQuery CSS class or our CSS class by the code below as it is
In our class
<style type = "text/css">
.ui-datepicker { font-size:9pt !important}
Or in the jQuery UI Calendar CSS file
.ui-datepicker { font-size:9pt !important}
Is there any other way to resize the calendar element without changing the font-size as it doesn't appear pleasing with bigger and bold font.