CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ENUM2STR](@name AS varchar(40), @value AS int)
RETURNS varchar(255) AS BEGIN DECLARE @bin AS varbinary(MAX); SET @bin = (SELECT TOP 1 Properties FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAXModel.dbo.ModelElement me JOIN MicrosoftDynamicsAXModel.dbo.ModelElementData med ON med.ElementHandle = me.ElementHandle WHERE me.Name = @name AND me.ElementType = 40 ORDER BY med.LayerId DESC); DECLARE @pos AS int; DECLARE @flags AS int; DECLARE @count AS int; DECLARE @idx AS int; DECLARE @off AS int; DECLARE @ret AS varchar(255); SET @pos = 3; SET @off = CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) AS int) - 1; SET @pos = @pos + 1; WHILE @off > 0 --skip BaseEnum Label/Help/CountryRegionCode BEGIN WHILE SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 2) <> 0x0000 SET @pos = @pos + 2; SET @pos = @pos + 2; SET @off = @off - 1; END SET @flags = CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 3) AS int); SET @pos = @pos + 3; IF @flags & 0x008000 = 0x008000 --skip BaseEnum ConfigurationKey BEGIN WHILE SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 2) <> 0x0000 SET @pos = @pos + 2; SET @pos = @pos + 2; END IF @flags & 0x000002 = 0x000002 --skip BaseEnum ConfigurationKey SET @pos = @pos + 1; SET @pos = @pos + 1; --skip DisplayLength SET @count = CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 1) AS int); IF @count > 0 BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 1; IF @flags & 0x000200 = 0x000200 --UseEnumValue property SET @idx = @value; ELSE BEGIN SET @idx = 0; SET @off = 2 + CAST(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos, 2)) AS binary(2)) AS int) * 2; SET @off = @off + 2 + CAST(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2)) AS binary(2)) AS int) * 2; WHILE CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off + @idx, 1) AS int) <> @value AND @idx < @count SET @idx = @idx + 1; IF CAST(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off + @idx, 1) AS int) <> @value SET @idx = -1; END IF @idx >= 0 BEGIN SET @pos = @pos + 2; WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN SET @off = 0; SET @ret = ''; WHILE SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2) <> 0x0000 BEGIN SET @ret = @ret + CHAR(CAST(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@bin, @pos + @off, 2)) AS binary(2))); SET @off = @off + 2; END SET @pos = @pos + @off + 2; IF @idx <= 0 BREAK; SET @idx = @idx - 1; END END ELSE SET @ret = '<NOT FOUND'; END ELSE SET @ret = '<ERROR>'; IF SUBSTRING(@ret, 1, 1) = '@' --label file BEGIN DECLARE @module AS varchar(3); DECLARE @label AS int; SET @module = SUBSTRING(@ret, 2, 3); SET @label = CAST(SUBSTRING(@ret, 5, DATALENGTH(@ret) - 4) AS int); SET @ret = (SELECT TOP 1 Text FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAXModel.dbo.ModelElementLabel WHERE LabelId = @label AND Module = @module AND Language = 'en_us' ORDER BY LayerId DESC); END RETURN @ret; END
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